Plan of Action

Below is a plan of what I will be doing while on this course, showing when I'll do practical work and theory, in school and out of school. I have photography lessons on Monday (2 hours), Tuesday (1 hour), and Friday (2 hours).

So far I have spent the lessons experimenting with different genres and responding to photographers (which can be seen on my blog), and now I am starting on my own work. I started this plan before I started any of my own work.

Friday 6th December
For this two hour lesson, I plan to do a photo shoot in the studio taking portraits of a Barbie doll as if she was doing a modelling shoot. This is so I can later on take photos of normal girls who I can compare them with, to show the difference of Barbie's bodies and human's bodies.

Monday 9th December
For this two hour lesson, I plan to do theory work by analysing my images and uploading them onto my blog.

Tuesday 10th December
For this one hour lesson, I plan to have a critique lesson with my teacher to discuss what other photos I will take, how I will do them, and when I will do them.

Friday 13th December
For this two hour lesson, I plan to start my idea on having magazines overlaying people by taking photos of some magazine covers and page 3 articles that show how the media idolises women who are skinny and perfected.

Tuesday 7th January
For this one hour lesson, I plan to have a one to one session with my teacher and also do some theory work by ensuring my blog is up to date with analysed photos.

Friday 17th January
For this two hour lesson I plan to improve the photo shoot I did of the tape measure that I had done at home in the studio. While thinking of how to make my idea more original, I came up with the idea of representing a pig to show how some people who suffer from anorexia feel like pigs.

Monday 20th January
This lesson will be spent taking portrait photos of myself that I can overlay the magazines on. This is to create an image that represents how media affects our minds, and how some people feel food affects the body.

 Tuesday 21st January
I plan to spend this lesson taking portraits of my sister to see if I can improve the previous photo shoot as I will be able to work on the positioning better if I am the one behind the camera. I may also try an idea I had of an 'innocent' looking girl vs an 'insecure' looking girl; both being my sister. This is to show how we judge people by how they look and we may be completely wrong.

Friday 24th January
As I am unable to have a model on this day, I chose to use this two hour lesson to do the other ideas I had that didn't include models. This idea was of the 'bulimic Barbie' to represent those with bulimia. I feel it would have been too personal to use real people to show it, so using a Barbie would prevent it being too personal while also showing that even those considered 'perfect' still suffer.

Monday 27th January
This lesson I plan to use Photoshop to edit my images of the magazines on the portraits. I feel it would take these two hours as it would be the first time using the software for photos.

Tuesday 28th January
This lesson I have no models available so I plan to continue with Photoshop.
Friday 31st January
This lesson I have no models available so I plan to continue with Photoshop.
Monday 3rd February
At the weekend, I would have done a photo shoot of someone facing backwards so in this lesson I can use Photoshop to edit the images to make it look like the model is walking to the clouds. This is to represent death which is what disorders can result in. I would've done the photo shoot of the grave idea to show what the results of disorders cause. This lesson I plan to edit these shoots. This could be done by having where the model is in black and white, and then in colour past the grave.
Tuesday 4th February
This lesson I plan to do the photo shoot of my sister being the Barbie doll by going in the studio and taking photos of her in the same positions as the Barbie had.
Friday 7th February
This lesson I plan to edit my photo shoot of the Barbie vs Human idea on Photoshop.

Monday 10th February and Tuesday 11th February
After having no more photo shoots to do, I plan to use the remaining days to retake any shots, make any final touches to the images and then present my final pieces.

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