Weird and Wonderful

I have decided to base my photography over personal issues society has like anorexia, bulimia and eating disorders. It's something that has always been close to heart so I wish to create photos showing these things while trying to keep the 'weird and wonderful' theme. I could do these by the angles I take the photos, or just by taking photos of things completely weird. When looking through the genres I was amazed by the work of Angelo Merendino and Felicia Webb who are both documentary photographers. They both took photos of very personal issues of cancer and anorexia, and it really moved me to base my work around that area. They both took photos from all sorts of angles with a range of many techniques. Below are my favourite photos from each photographer that have inspired me to do my work.

Below are some moodboards of images that are related to ideas that I would like to do in my own work. I may not use all these ideas, but they represent how my work will link.
Below is a mindmap of some ideas that I could do for my photography course. It is based around by theme of eating disorders.



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