Final Idea

My final piece will be nine different photos to show the different stages of eating disorders, and will be displayed as shown below. I wanted to show a journey of eating disorders showing how they are influenced to start and what they go through during it. I chose this layout because it allows you to look at all the photos without a problem, and it has no specific order to represent how there is no order of eating disorders; every individual goes through things differently. They may experience all of these stages or a few of them. It helps show how individuals have no control over their eating disorder.
Photo 1 was chosen because cropping it to show half the face and brightening the photo improved it so much, and it helps represent how individuals with eating disorders like to hide who they are. They usually don't want to keep eye contact with people in fear they will see the pain through their eyes.

Photo 2 was chosen because it helps represent how individuals with eating disorders feel like they are a pig when they eat. This specific photo was chosen because it is a real close up of the mask so it's the first thing you see, and the background was completely black so it made the mask stand out a lot.

Photo 3 was chosen because it matched the girl in the photos as she was also brunette. It represents how some people believe Barbies influence eating disorders due to individuals wanting to look like them.

Photo 4 was chosen because it represents how hidden eating disorders are. Those we consider happy and innocent could be the ones suffering. The bright colours and clothing represent someone happy but then you are shocked to see the self-harm on the arm.

Photo 5 was chosen because it represents how some people believe media influences eating disorders due to people wanting to look like the models in the photos shown in magazines or on TV. This was a strong photo as well because it shown the girl well while still showing the magazines too.

Photo 6 was chosen because it represents how those suffering from eating disorders can result in making themselves sick to remove all of the food inside them so they lose weight quicker.

Photo 7 was chosen to show that some people believe Barbies influence eating disorders, but with a blonde Barbie this time to represent all kinds of people can be influenced.

Photo 8 was chosen to show how much individuals with eating disorders focus on their weight. The main reason they have an eating disorder is to lose weight, so they constantly check their size. The fact you can't see the person's body is to represent them fading away as they are pushing themselves to death.

Photo 9 was chosen to show how a normal girl is trying hard to look like a Barbie. The position is similar to the positions of the Barbies which shows the start of someone going through an eating disorder.

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