Development Five

To show the effect of eating disorders, I chose to use the Barbie dolls again to show bulimia. I thought showing a real person doing it would be too sensitive, so using a Barbie would hopefully send out the message still while not hurting feelings too much. 
To do this shoot I went to the studio in school and took photos of the Barbie in a bathroom situation.
The compositions of the images start with the rule of three being in the top right corner (image 1), then the bottom left (image 2) and then a composition of the left side in image 3. I changed the composition a lot in order to experiment with different ideas. The first image is blurred which I creates a weird effect in a way because it's like you're looking at her from far away. The third image was closer to make it seem like we were watching her looking at the bucket deciding whether or not she should be sick.
The techniques I used were an aperture of F/10 in the first two images and a shutter speed of 1/30, with the third image having an aperture of F/8. This is because I had a lot of light from the studio so I didn't need to allow too much in the lens, and I wanted to create a narrow depth of field to capture the detail.
The colours include yellow, blue, nude and blonde, with the yellow being the highest contrast which points out it's the main focus due to it representing it's bulimia.
The mood I get from these images is lost. I feel like she has got so lost in her own little mind that it's all she thinks about, and that is what lead her to bulimia. Nothing else has stopped her, she's lost everyone.
To improve these images I would try make them look more realistic, maybe by using a doll house to make it seem like she's actually in a bathroom.

I am thinking of using these images in my final piece by publishing it in a photo album so it shows the journey of how she got to that point.

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