Development One

To start off my Weird and Wonderful course, I chose to do the photo-shoot of a Barbie doll so I can later on create an image that shows the comparison of a Barbie and a normal girl. This follows my ideas because I want to show how we have the pressure to look perfect when we are completely different to being what society sees as perfect (the Barbie).

To do this, I spent the two hour lesson I had on Friday 6thDecember in the studio doing a shoot of the Barbie by placing it on a black screen so I could gain a dramatic effect of it by having in stand out. I then took shots of the Barbie’s whole body, its face, and other parts that I wanted to use to compare differences to humans.
I started using my ordinary camera lens but I was recommended to use the portrait lens, so I chose to move on to use that one to gain a more professional look. It allowed me to change the focus so I was able to change this manually without any problem. The ordinary lens focussed automatically so, unlike the portrait lens, I wouldn't have been able to capture the image in the focus I wanted.
I also had the Barbie lying down which caused her to have her hair spread out, and just didn't look real enough. I wanted her to look like she was standing up like a normal human would so I chose to stand her up against the backdrop.

 The first image I am showing is of the Barbie's face. I needed this to compare with a human so I ensured the features were clearly on show. I had both a brunette and a blonde so I used both so I could choose which hair I wanted to compare to my model. All of my images had the shutter speed of 1/125 sec because I was in the studio so I had a lot of light to work with meaning the shutter speed didn't need too long to let all the light in. However, they did have different apertures because they had different textures to work with.

For this image of the blonde Barbie sideways, your eye leads towards her hair because it is at a higher contrast than the other colours of black and cream. There is also a rule of three so your eye is directly drawn to the top right side because that is where the main part is.
The techniques I used was an aperture of
F/36 and a shutter speed of 1/125 sec due to me not needing much light at all because I was using lights in the studio. I also wanted a narrow depth of field because I was only focussing on the Barbie.
I feel like it creates the mood of dominance because she is stood upright with her hair making her stand out like she's in control.
The texture is soft and straw-like because of hair and body, because those are the textures we feel if touching those areas.

This next image is the body of one of the Barbie's. I took this photo so I could later compare this section of the body with actual humans to show the difference they have. I feel your eye leads towards the hand as the legs seem to guide your eye upwards to that area. This could create the realisation of it being a body as you may not have known what it was at first. Rule of three was created because even though it started near the middle (at the bottom) it leads towards the right hand corner.
The composition of this image covers the middle and right side of the photograph which I feel makes it look longer to really emphasise the body.
The techniques I used was an aperture of F/22 and an aperture of 1/125 sec due to there being a lot of light from the studio, so I only had to allow a little bit of light it. There is a narrow depth of field because I needed the angles and body to be sharp.
The colours of this image are black and nude as I only had one thing to focus on (the body) so no other things had to be included, resulting in no other colours. This means the contrast of the nude is really high against the background as it stands out.
This image gives a sense of confidence. In society, not many girls would be up to showing off their body, so the fact that this photo shows a girl's body in a strong pose showing of an area most girls hate, shows how confident this person would be if they were real.
The texture of this image is smooth and warm as you get the idea that you would be touching a body which we associate with those words.
I wouldn't say I have many improvements I could make to this image, but I think I could have included the other hand so it didn't look like she'd lost one.

To show the facial features of Barbie which I would later compare to a human's, I took a few images of the Barbie's face like the one below. Your eye goes straight towards her face as it strikes out against the blonde and nude colours thanks to the brightness of the blue and pink of her makeup. This is useful as that is the main part of the image that I want to show. I broke the rule of three by putting the composition so it was right in the middle. I wanted to show how close a Barbie's face is to being symmetrical to compare against a normal person's. The techniques I used were an aperture of F/32 and a shutter speed of 1/125 sec. This is because the studio lights were really bright so I didn't need to allow a lot of light in. The small aperture also allowed me to have a narrow depth of field to make the features look really sharp so they were highlighted. The mood I gain from this photo is a sense of bravery. Just like showing legs, society feels vulnerable when people focus on their face as it's like they're judging you. This photo shows a Barbie looking happy to have her whole face on show, as if she didn't care that people would judge her. The texture is soft and straw-like because of hair and body, because those are the textures we feel if touching those areas.
To improve this image, I would find a way to stop the light from shining against the eyes as it makes them look wonky.

To follow my statement of intent about a range of angles, I took photos of the Barbie's body from the side to show the body shape in a different way.
Your eye leads towards her face because I used the rule of three in the right corner to attract people's eyes. I put the composition so it was in the middle and right corner to lengthen her figure.
I used an aperture of F/18 and a shutter speed of 1/125 sec because I wanted it sharp, but not too sharp as I wanted her body to look real meaning it had to look a bit soft. I needed the light to hit all of her body so the lens had to be larger than the previous images.
The colours used are nude, blond and black which are all neutral to show the nature of humans. The nude has a high contrast to stand out from the background.
The image gives me a mood of power as she is in a strong pose to make her look confident and in control.
The texture is soft and straw-like because of hair and body, because those are the textures we feel if touching those areas.
To improve my image, I would probably try to make it look a bit softer as her hair looks too sharp in this image, making it look fake.

Another angle I chose to do was a closer version of the previous one so the Barbie was at the side. Your eye leads towards her face due to the composition being the rule of three in the bottom left corner. It guides your eye along her body and onto her face so you get a really good look at her.
I used the technique of an aperture at F/13 and a shutter speed of 1/125 sec. This is because there isn't much to focus on so the aperture can be higher to make the areas sharper.
The colours in this image are blonde, nude, pink and blue, with the blonde being the highest contrast as it stands out against the neutral colours.
The mood is the same as before because she looks even more powerful closer up because she is more exposed.
The texture is soft and straw-like because of hair and body, because those are the textures we feel if touching those areas.
To improve, I would probably make the aperture smaller so the hair looks softer.

I also did an angle of the Barbie at the front so she was standing up straight to show off all her features from a front point of view. This is to really expose her features so you can have a good look at the whole body.
Your eye leads straight to her stomach because there are more textures there because of the features and curves, and then it leads towards her face because of the brightness of the colours. The composition is in the right side because it looked too boring in the middle. Having more of the background in the shot made her stand out better.
The techniques I used were an aperture F/14 and a shutter speed of 1/125 sec. This is because I wanted her features to look soft so the lines from the doll weren't that strong as it would make it look fake. Having a smaller aperture meant more light got through so her features were soft, therefore making her look more realistic.
The colours in the image include blonde, blue, pink and nude which are all at a high contrast due to it being against a dark background.
The mood I get from this image is a sense of vulnerablitiy as she is fully on show so you can see all her curves, bumps and features. It shows that she can be easily judged.
The texture is soft and straw-like because of hair and body, because those are the textures we feel if touching those areas.
To improve this image, I would get more light coming in from the right side to show her whole body better.

As experimentation, I tried with a brunette Barbie to see if the hair would make a difference to my images. I started by taking a photo of her facial area to highlight her features and hair.
Your eye leads straight towards her face because of the silver on her eyes and the pink on her lips. It makes a difference to the nude and brown colours which is why it stands out.
The composition is in the left corner which follows the rule of three as her shoulder is in the bottom left corner. It makes your eye lead towards her face, which is what I wanted as it is the main area I wanted to focus on.
The technique I used was an aperture of F/22 and a shutter speed of 1/125 sec. This is because her hair is darker than the blonde Barbie so more light had to be let through so the hair was visible. The aperture didn't need to be too small though because I still had a lot of light I could use from the studio.
The mood I get from this image is the sense of innocence. Her features look really soft due to it having quite a wide depth of field, and she isn't as striking as the blonde Barbie as her hair is darker.
To improve this image, I would put in in a different composition as it cuts off the right side of her hair as the light doesn't seem to reach that side.
I decided the brunette Barbie wasn't as strong as an image because it looked too soft due to the hair being dark. Even though it highlighted her body and features more, I still feel the blonde Barbie looked better. I could have changed the background to be white to see if that would make her stand out more, but I decided this would be a waste of time as my blonde Barbie images were already strong.

This image of the brunette Barbie facing to the left is to show the different features I can compare with normal humans. It was a good angle to use to help me show that Barbie's and humans have different facial features.
Your eye leads towards her face due to the light shining directly on it. There is no rule of three but I feel I do not need this because of the plain background and angle. She is at the side so there are lots of angles to show meaning I didn't want people to focus on one thing. The composition is in the middle because it's a portrait where I wanted to show off her body shape, so being in the middle exposes all of her body.
The techniques I used were an aperture of F/22 and the shutter speed of 1/125 sec. This is because there was a lot of light so it didn't need to have a large opening to let it all in, as I wanted the background to be dark in order to make the Barbie stand out.
The mood I get from this image is a sense of discovery. She looks like she has just discovered something amazing, or like she is admiring the light. It creates a warm feel to it because it's calm and not harsh.
To improve this image, I would want a bit more of the bottom to be cropped out because her hand is not really on show so it's pointless and distracting being there. I also still feel this isn't as strong as an image when compared to the blonde Barbie.

I am going to develop this photo shoot further by using it to compare against a human's body. To do this, I am going to do a photo shoot using real females in the same positions as I have with the Barbie's. I will do this when I am next available to find a model and studio.

I did this photo shoot in the studio at college by using the same black back drop to keep the same atmosphere. I wanted things to look the same as the Barbies so I could later compare them. However, I couldn't have my model nude as it would be inappropriate so she wore plain clothes.

This first image was supposed to be in the same position as the first photo shown on the Barbie. Your eye leads straight to the model because her hair stands out against the dark background, just like the Barbie's had. The composition was to the left to make it the same as the Barbie photo, and also to make it look more interesting than having it straight in the middle.
The techniques I used were an aperture of F/14 and a shutter speed of 1/125 sec. This was to allow enough light to reach the model while still keeping the background clear.
The colours include blonde, nude and black which are all neutral colours to represent the human body.
The mood created is a wonder because you think what she might be looking at or thinking about.
To improve this image I would improve the lighting as I feel it doesn't look the same as the Barbie's photo.

The next image was to imitate the close up of the Barbie. Your eyes lead towards her face due to it being in the top right corner of the rule of three.
The techniques used were an aperture of F/14 and a shutter speed of 1/40 sec. This is because I wanted it narrow to make the model sharp enough to stand out and to have enough light to show her whole body.
The colours are the same as before, but the mood created is vunerability because she doesn't look really confident.
To improve this image I would improve the lighting and positioning of the model because she doesn't look like she's in a strong pose. It doesn't match the Barbie one so I don't think it's successful.

I will not use this photo shoot in my final piece because it didn't look like the Barbie photo shoot at all. The clothes made her blend into the back drop so it was hard to get the lighting right because some areas were light and others were too dark. Therefore, in my final piece I may just use the Barbie photo shoot on it's own instead of with this photo shoot.

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