Development Four

My next development was to show the view on disorders from society. I tend to see people relate those who dress in dark clothes and make-up to disorders all the time. If someone sees a person wearing thick eye-liner, with black hair and the music taste of metal, people say 'oh look, there's an emo' or 'I wonder what disorder she has'. I think people need to realise that there's more to what meets the eye. For all people know, that person could be completely happy, and someone who looks 'innocent' may be the one who is suffering. I wanted to show this in my work by having someone who stereotypically looks 'innocent' to someone standing next to someone who stereotypically looks 'gothic', and then to show them from behind with the 'innocent' one suffering from self-harm and the 'gothic' one being okay. I hope this idea would just showcase how we judge too quickly.

To start this idea off I did a photo shoot of the 'innocent' girl by having her dressed in bright, colourful clothes with a happy smile, and then afterwards I did the 'gothic' girl dressed in dark colours with heavy make-up. I chose to use the same model to represent how even seeing the same person in different clothes won't stop up from labelling it 'gothic' and 'innocent'. The techniques I used were an aperture of F/5.6 and a shutter speed of 1/8 sec on all of these pictures due to there being enough light to allow a bright enough picture. 

This first three images were to give viewers the chance to get a good look at the 'innocent' girl; almost to just prove my point that they'll label her as that. I positioned her in the middle to put all the attention on her, although the gap in the first image at the bottom does pull the attention away. 
The colours in these images include brown, nude, pink, blue and black which all seem quite 'girly' colours; fitting the scene perfectly.
The mood created in these images is innocence as her smile represents happiness which makes you assume she's fine.
I feel these images will be improved when joined together to the other images.


In the last image of the 'innocent' girl I wanted to get a different angle of her arms behind her back which I will later edit to show how she's suffering from self-harm in order to show no matter how happy someone looks, it doesn't mean they always are.

I then made my model change to the 'gothic' look and attempted to take photos in the same positions so you can easily compare them when placed next to each other. The difference is that she acts more 'naughty' in these photos with a serious face in all of them. The first three photos are all in the middle, with the second image being at a higher level to make her look dominant even when small. I'm glad she did a serious face instead of the typical sad face as it shows how people would still relate them to an 'emo' even if looking strong.
The colours in all the images are brown, black and a hint of blonde from her hair. This is to create the harsh, dark situation of a 'gothic' person.

Just like I did with the 'innocent' look, I showed the behind of the 'gothic' girl so I can later edit it to show how she's clear even though she's judged to not be. This is so represent how the way someone looks doesn't determine their personality.

To develop these images further, I am going to use Photoshop to place both looks next to each other so it is easier to compare them together. If it's successful, I hope to use this in my final piece by making it look like a family photo in a photo album.

I attempted to edit these photos on Photoshop by combining them together into one image. However, it looked unrealistic so it was unsuccessful, therefore I will not use combined images on my final piece.
Instead I edited my images so they were brighter because they looked really dull, and I feel it really improved my image. It made the girls stand out more and just looked more professional. I also created scars on the 'innocent' look to help show my idea of people assuming that those who look like that don't suffer from disorders when they might do.

Below are these images, and I may use them in my final piece.

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